I've always loved photography but I always & continually have lots to learn. A friend is in this project of taking a photo a day for 365 days and posting it in order to learn more about photography...and I thought "What a great idea!" The challenge for me will be to post a photo a day...can I do it? Well, I'll try. Thanks for joining me on this photographical journey.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 16 - Sonshine

I was taking some photos of church steeples and as I was taking a photo of this one against the sun, a vehicle drove by and snow dust flew in the air. Sure made for a very cool effect with the sun rays and the sparkles the snow caused. Truly heavenly! :-)

Sonshine by lisaspics · 365 Project

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Some of our wedding pictures had this effect in them by accident when our photographer's assistant was doing something he kicked up some snow as she was shooting. It made for some very unique effects when the flash hit it.

    Since then in my studies and reading I have seen everything from ripples being created by an assistant to kicking up dirt all for effects. All great examples of using your environment to enhance a photo.
