I've always loved photography but I always & continually have lots to learn. A friend is in this project of taking a photo a day for 365 days and posting it in order to learn more about photography...and I thought "What a great idea!" The challenge for me will be to post a photo a day...can I do it? Well, I'll try. Thanks for joining me on this photographical journey.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 15 - Drive by Pic

I know many of you may cringe when I tell you that I took this photo shooting through the front windshield of the van while my hubby was driving down the highway going 120 km/hr. But ya know, when you're a photo buff like me, ya learn to snap on the go :-) I love this shot! The prairies are so incredibly beautiful and especially the river valleys. On a day with no sun and fog, there is beauty in itself and this was one of those days. I love the red of the bridge against the white of everything else.

Drive by Pic by lisaspics · 365 Project


  1. That is an outstanding photograph, Lisa.

    I can see that it was a very overcast day and think that the exposure you chose was just right for the circumstances. Of course, I'm looking at a screen and everybody's computer screen looks just little bit different unless properly calibrated but I think it could have stood to be one half of a stop brighter.

    As you had said you were moving when you took this but had you been there on foot my eyes are telling me that they would have liked to have seen all of the entrance to the bridge (on the left side of the photo referencing or for the left side of the frame to exclude the portion of the entrance. A minor little crop would fix that up lickety-split. Again, that's just my opinion.

  2. I know what you're sayin. I chose to crop out the opening to the bridge because there was a huge ugly fence blocking the entrance..yuk. hence, you only see a portion. :-)

  3. There you go! I couldn't see it so I didn't know. I like the fact that except for the red bridge it is almost monochromatic photo... without using Photoshop in the fast becoming outdated method of eliminating all colors but one.
